Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Flash Adhesive Sale

So lately I have been trying all the different adhesives in our product line in class, or club night, and trying to share them all with you so you too can find your favourite adhesive.....then tonight I came up with an even better plan.....a FLASH SALE!  BUY 4 GET 1 FREE!  A thank you for "sticking with me"! So now you can either try new ones or get 5 of your favourite!  

Fine print:  

1) This sale is for orders placed through myself, Sheri Pearson, only.
2) Orders must be placed through me, via email, facebook or a phone call, so that I can offer the FREE product.
3) Choose from any of the adhesives on page 204 of the annual catalogue!
4) Flash sale for April 8-10, 2015 so NO SHIPPING cost either!
5) If you choose different adhesives, the lowest priced one will be FREE.

Pssst...if this deal is successful, it will "stick" around and I hope to make it annual or semi-annual event!

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